Crossing the Blues
Say hello to iPod ninja. It's the sharpest tool in the shed.

iPod Ninja Apple dangerous

iPod Ninja Apple dangerous

iPod Ninja Apple dangerous

September 16, 2010 Apple announced the “dangerously cool” iPod ninja, the last of the new 2010 iPod family. This razor-thin iPod combines the fun of entertainment with the thrill of lethal weaponry.
iPod ninja fits into that sweet spot between the iPod touch and a small handgun,” says Apple spokesperson Ted Wetmore. “It gives you peace of mind. You can either enjoy your music on the device — or you can fling it at anyone who looks at you funny. With a little practice, you can take down a foe at 50 feet.”
However, there is a dark side to the new iPod. As iPod ninja sales boom, some blogs are already reporting a “death grip” problem even worse than the one that plagued iPhone 4. If you hold iPod ninja in a certain way, you may require immediate medical care.
“There is a learning curve,” admits Mr. Berry, “and Apple does recommend the use of a protective case.” 
