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  • rupchikgulti
    10-07 11:37 AM
    Well, it doen't make sense to buy any kind of property any where in universe now as they are all coming down. Some already had and some are near to the situation.

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  • gjoe
    11-01 03:52 PM
    If we can understand why most of us want a GC we can understand the poll better.
    In my opinion most of us here want the GC because we want to change jobs for better pay, better professional growth, to live in a better place, better work environment, etc, the list can be endless. ( I guess if you don't have all these then you don't have freedom)
    If we can get our GC's no matter with which employer we work as long as we do our job ( as mentioned in our LC) we will not be bothered too much about our GC process ( We are dependent on our employer sponsoriing our GC so we are not independent)

    I can say atleast half of us who are waiting for the GC don't have any ambitions as of now to take active role in building this society, if we really had such we can do that at our home countries too.

    Like someone said in this thread " Reverse Brain Drain " is an empty slogan if we use ourselves call ourselves the brain which America needs to keep it going.

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  • snram4
    01-17 12:11 PM
    The response is expected. Unless IV core members support nothing will move. Many similar threads came and go in past. IV is giving critical updates only to Donor members. So only donor members will know what is happening. Others will not know anything and will not have any direction. That may be one of the reason for poor response for these kinds of polls. If majority of the members are donors then that will be effective.
    Count me in as well. This memo is completely discriminatory and will do more harm than good. It is surprising that very few are willing to come forward and fight this abuse. I am sure that there are hundreds of affected members and a collective effort will help us all.

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  • santiwar
    12-13 06:05 PM
    I saw the poll in the morning and voted FOR making this a paid site, but going through the discussions and a little bit of soul searching (slow day at work :p) i am a bit wary about making it a paid site now.

    As much as i would like to see the riff-raff (pardon the expression) go away, maybe we should be more inclusive then exclusive (?). Not everyone is an early adoptor, it took me a while to contribute as well, but i did eventually turn around and contributed the lil bit i could.

    Thats just my take, and excuse the rather altruistic title of my post.


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  • chicago60607
    09-17 11:44 AM
    Smith is now talking on 6020

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  • msp1976
    02-08 05:31 AM
    We always thought that there is 360k application in BEC and since those LC have PD from 2000 to 2005 there are no chances of fast movement of PD in year 2007 especially for EB3 and EB2(Indian , China).

    After reading this news it seems employer withdrew many cases, which they filled for employee who no longer work for company, so certified case is going to be only 100k, much lesser then 360 k. How many more years it will take to clear these 100k LC? I don't think it should take more then 2 years...

    But you know logic doesn�t work with US immigration system and we also don�t know how many people are applying through EB1 and EB2-ROW, which are current, we also don't know how many people are already sitting in 485 stage�

    Let's go by the published percentages.....
    21% closed + 11% withdrawn + 2% denied... = 33% fell off the wagon..
    Let's assume that the same trend holds.....
    At the end BEC ....out of 360K approx.....240K certification would come out....Margin of error let's bring the number down to 200K.......
    Assume 1.1 spouse+child each principal....
    That make total 410 K in the line just from BECs.....This is a conservative estimate...

    The main problem is that 7% country quota hits too quickly for India/China...Then ROW remains current and USCIS would keep processing ROW as they keep coming...Where as we India/China keep waiting for the overflow to occur.....

    There is no solution but to increase the total numbers...


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  • jayleno
    09-23 07:54 PM
    ImmigrationVoice can sue that person for defamation, but it will not work because he/she can plead insanity(Isnt it very obvious from the post??) :D:D:D

    Very Advanced case of ROD syndrome. Sympotoms: Going to other forums and complain about IV red dots

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  • prince_waiting
    12-11 03:02 PM
    Left a message which pointed out the fact that around 500000 highly skilled immigrants are waiting to buy a house (median price 250000) resulting in 12.5 billion USD worth business being conducted.


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  • pappu
    04-26 10:27 PM
    Please stop H1 Vs L1 discussion and do not support those who aim to divide this community on various visa types, categories, nationalities etc. Any further attempts by any member in this direction will result in ban. We would appreciate if you read the bill posted by IV and provide some analysis on its content on this thread.

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  • deep2480
    01-20 04:50 PM
    Count me in and let me know how can i donate money and where we can see how the progress is going on???


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  • 53885
    01-30 05:27 PM
    Now it became # 28. Question on: Immigration

    Everybody please go the URL
    and vote for question number 20 .The question number is changing please look for the text below and the title "Immigration" before you vote

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  • drsyedhigh5
    01-09 08:38 PM
    Lets start writing to all the supporters once again. HIghlight housing crisis, also can request premium processing for 485. Make sure we show the immediate and long term benefits....

    Buddy Sri, thanks for mentioning GC premium processing, please check my following link/messages ("How about PP for GC"):

    (I got thrashed for suggesting it:()


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  • kate123
    03-10 05:22 PM
    PD beyond 2007 July will not be there

    It might be there for EB1 and other non retrogressed categories :)

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  • northstar
    07-30 03:46 PM
    I have optionsexpress account which is cheap way to trade in options. I have not looked into alert features.
    You should be able to look up option prices from most of the electronic brokers. I have used tdameritrade and optionsexpress.

    Does optionexpress platform provide any special advantages related to option trading in terms of strategy analysis etc? I have etrade and I am not sure if i am missing anything


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  • B3NKobe
    06-08 08:18 PM
    @ben, sorry for the spam....and this spam :crying:
    Its all cool mate :D

    @Maniaci: Well its a battle, I want as many people submitting as possible so we can have a good vote.

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  • jambapamba
    07-10 09:30 PM
    If applications are not accepted, its unfair. (by people of with recent PD)
    If they are accepted now, its unfair. (by people whose apps were sent back)
    If they were accepted from July 1st, its unfair.(by backlog applicants)
    I dont understand how to solve the mess. Of course I created this mess.
    I resign.

    However this smacks of unfairness as well. See this


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  • whatamidoinghere
    02-12 06:22 PM
    visves, Longq, alisa...

    We have a difference of opinion on how the law is interpreted....

    I believe that visves interpretation is correct....But there is always a small chance that longq does followup with a lawsuit, USCIS would budge...

    if longq wants to gather some EB2 India/China and have a crack at suing USCIS as a personal level....( i.e.not using IV's resources).....I guess no one can stop him...I am EB3/India....So that suing does not benefit me anyway...

    The common denominator for all of us is increasing the total numbers......

    If members want to pursue certain things on their own at personal level..I cannot do anything ...after all it is a free country...

    There are other quirky ways the law is getting interpreted. Why are India, China, Phil, Mex singled out in the Visa bulletin and reported separately? Where I work there are as many Russian programmers as Indians and Chinese. Judging from how long it is taking my Russian colleagues to get their green cards even they are retrogressed because it takes them more than 5 years. But because they are bunched with ROW, they are Current in EB2 and can apply for 485 and their spouses can get EAD and work.

    If it is only 2800 visas per category per country.. lets be real.. even UK, Pakistan and other countries will be sending more than that number per year. But they are all bunched in EB2 ROW and can happily apply for EAD for their spouses. Not only that, they can even participate in the diversity visa lottery from which we are excluded.

    The problem is that we are trying to ask for too much and nothing will happen. First we have to get them to be transparent about how they interpret the law and make them release more data. We dont even know if we are being treated fairly. It is also unacceptable that we dont know how long we have to wait before our spouses can work. If we dont have correct data what are we actually fighting for?

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  • Macaca
    02-06 10:57 AM
    So public schools Elem/Middle/High , still have to go thru nornal H1B process for teachers, have to wait for OCT1, start date.

    I got my H1B from a University starting Aug. As far as I understand, there is no H1B quota for non-profit. I also have a US degree. There is a separate H1B quota for US educated.

    I don't know where I was plugged in. I don't remember any details.

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  • ps57002
    01-30 04:50 PM

    02-27 04:04 PM
    Not wrong.. I said it's "being" cancelled..
    No one knows for sure what the final rule is likely to be. Chances are anyone who doesn't have approved petition may be rejected once substitution is cancelled.
    People sometimes don't want to believe bad news.. and this is what is going on with some desi employers and immigration lawyers..
    but all signs are it's gonna happen and very soon.. maybe March 1st. I myself struggled and decided against someone who offered me in past 1 month.

    09-17 11:25 AM
    no audio